
Azure Devops Pipeline - Use Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects

I'm using Azure devops with the VM = vmImage: 'windows-2019' and I would like to know how to generate an MSI file from my vdproj.

In my local visual studio I have the extension "Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects" installed and it works fine. But in the VS2019 of the hosted agent from Azure pipeline I dont have, and I can't generate the msi as an artifact.

I've tried to run by devenv.exe cmd but as I dont have the extension it didnt work.

Is there any way to generate msi files from azure pipeline? I've tried different ways, some custom tasks but it didnt work.

Or can I change my setups to another type of project that the MsBuild reconigze?

My error:

The project file "xxx.vdproj" is not supported by MSBuild and cannot be built.



  • Component.VSInstallerProjects v: 0.9.9 is now installed on the Microsoft-hosted agent 2019.