
Space in @ mention username and lowercase in link

I am trying to create a mention system and so far I've converted the @username in a link. But I wanted to see if it is possible for it to recognise whitespace for the names. For example: @Marie Lee instead of @MarieLee.

Also, I'm trying to convert the name in the link into lowercase letters (like: profile?id=marielee while leaving the mentioned showed with the uppercased, but haven't been able to.

This is my code so far:

function convertHashtags($str) {
    $regex = '/@+([a-zA-Z0-9_0]+)/';
    $str = preg_replace($regex, strtolower('<a href="profile?id=$1">$0</a>'), $str);

$string = 'I am @Marie Lee, nice to meet you!';
$string = convertHashtags($string);
echo $string;



  • You may use this code with preg_replace_callback and an enhanced regex that will match all space separated words:

    define("REGEX", '/@\w+(?:\h+\w+)*/');
    function convertHashtags($str) {
        return preg_replace_callback(REGEX, function ($m) {
           return '<a href="profile?id=' . strtolower($m[0]) . '">$0</a>';
        }, $str);

    If you want to allow only 2 words then you may use:

    define("REGEX", '/@\w+(?:\h+\w+)?/');