I'm using Fedora 30 to automate some Selenium testing.
I run Selenium on Chrome using xvfb (xorg-x11-server-Xvfb-1.20.5-4.fc30.x86_64).
I recently updated Chrome from version 76 to 87, and now the screen is crooked during every video test.
I have tried changing the screen size using the maximize command,
and manually set the screen size,
none of them solved The crooked and skewed screen.
Nothing has been changed on the system except The the Chrome update.
I am using java for the selenium code.
Downgrading obviously fixes the issue.
Has anyone ever had this issue before?
Was there some change made between Chrome or Chromedriver versions that I missed reading about?
Is there some setting or flag I'm missing with the new version of Chrome?
Ok, I figured this out. For some reason the new version of Chrome didn't like running in 16 bit color mode in XVFB.
I changed the color bit depth to 24 and the windows in the videos are showing correctly. Yay no more crooked screens!