
Is it safe to pass a _bstr_t object to a function expecting BSTR as argument?

I am new to C++ so please bear with me. I know that _bstr_t is just a wrapper class for BSTR but, as seen in the MSDN documentation, _bstr_t does not have an operator to convert itself to BSTR.

So can I pass a _bstr_t object to a function expecting a BSTR as argument, and is it safe?

Or is there any better way to do this? I especially don't want any memory leaks with this.

I have seen numerous articles so just got confused about this. Sorry if it is a trivial question.


  • _bstr_t does not have an operator to convert itself to BSTR

    Yes and no. BSTR is defined to be equivalent to wchar_t* in the "afx.h" header file:

    typedef _Null_terminated_ LPWSTR BSTR;

    And the _bstr_t class (in "comutil.h") does have conversion operators for that, with or without a const qualifier, as in:

    class _bstr_t {
        // Extractors
        operator const wchar_t*() const throw();
        operator wchar_t*() const throw();

    EDIT: But one minor 'note of caution' from the documentation for those operators:

    Assigning a new value to the returned pointer does not modify the original BSTR data.