I need to find files and folders in CentOS 7 where they are either not owned by user or not owned by group.
I have 3 test directories:
root:root test1
root:group test2
user:root test3
I need to be able to find all 3 directories, so I can chown user:group, in one find command.
I've tried these:
find . ! -user user -or ! -group group
find . ! \( -user user -or -group group \)
But none of them work. Have I misunderstood something?
I've done some further testing, and by using the first example: find . ! -user user -or ! -group group -print0
I can only get results from test1
not (X or Y) and (not X or not Y) are different things, negation is not a distributive operation. You indeed need parentheses there as -o has a lower precedence than -a that is implied by the conjunction of primaries, but both predicates inside should also be negated.
find . \( ! -user user -o ! -group group \) -exec chown user:group {} +