I'm sitting in the America/Sao_Paulo (or some other random timezone) and now I want to get a LocalDate for the current date in Europe/London.
How can I achieve this?
(I've got a localDate that I know is in london, and I want to check if it's before the current date using clj-time.core/after?)
I do not know Clojure. So I'll use Java syntax which you can translate.
I'm sitting in the America/Sao_Paulo (or some other random timezone)
Irrelevant. Whether your tushy is in Tokyo, Reykjavík, or São Paulo, that has nothing to do with asking for the current date in Europe/London
time zone.
and now I want to get a LocalDate for the current date in Europe/London.
Call LocalDate.now
while passing the time zone of interest.
ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.of( "Europe/London" ) ;
LocalDate currentDateInLondon = LocalDate.now( zoneId ) ;
I've got a localDate that I know is in london, and I want to check if it's before the current date
You can compare LocalDate
objects by calling isEqual
, isBefore
, and isAfter
LocalDate localDate = LocalDate.of( 2021 , Month.JANUARY , 23 ) ;
boolean isCurrentDateInLondonBeforeThatDate = currentDateInLondon.isBefore( localDate ) ;