
Any custom function for Queryappend

Queryappend is in Coldfusion - 18 and not in Coldfusion - 16.

Can anyone suggest any custom coldfusoin function for "Queryappend"

Suppose I have 2 queries :

select * from user where userid > 10 order by userid asc

select * from user where userid < 10 order by userid desc

Query append should return folowing:

userid username 
11  AA
12  BB
13  CC
9   MM
8   NN
7   OO

Thanks in advance


  • The easiest and most readable solution to emulate a queryAppend() in earlier versions of ColdFusion is by using a query of queries (qoq) and then using the union all feature to append the resultant qoq by not supplying an ORDER BY clause.

    <cfquery name="query1" datasource="mydatasource">
        select * from user where userid > 10 order by userid asc
    <cfquery name="query2" datasource="mydatasource">
        select * from user where userid < 10 order by userid desc
    <!--- "Union all" the 2 result sets together in a qoq and don't supply an order by clause  --->
    <cfquery name="queryAppend" dbtype="query">
        select * from query1
        union all
        select * from query2

    Here's a working sample of the gist