
Checker Framework argument.type.incompatible false positive with commons-lang3

Here's my error (and yes there is an open bug on commons-lang3 jira).

  found   : @Initialized @Nullable Console
  required: @Initialized @NonNull Console
/Users/calebcushing/IdeaProjects/ppm/scaf/src/main/java/com/xenoterracide/scaf/ error: [argument.type.incompatible] incompatible argument for parameter str of toBoolean.
        if ( BooleanUtils.toBoolean( line ) ) {

I tried making this src/java/main/org/apache/commons/lang3/BooleanUtils.astub and I tried putting that file in src/main/resources/

package org.apache.commons.lang3;

import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.NonNull;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;

public class BooleanUtils {

  public static boolean toBoolean( @Nullable final String str);

but I and adding this to my gradle config


but I get

warning: Did not find stub file BooleanUtils.astub on classpath or within current directory
warning: Did not find stub file stubs on classpath or within current directory

how do I fix this issue?


  • I figured it out, no thanks to, the gradle plugin actually has a useful example of just this

    you need to provide a path from the project itself, this is what I did.


    I used ${rootDir} because ./config... was looking in .gradle