
How do I solve the error "Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '../vendor/autoload.php' (include_path='C:\xampp\php\PEAR') ?"

So I am using vlucas/phpdotenv in my php application to store and use environment variables. I have created a db.php file which contains the configuration of my database connection. The folder structure is root/config/db.php.

I have require('../vendor/autoload.php'); in the db.php file and then I have used


to access the environment variables since the .env file is in the root of the directory. It all works perfectly fine when i access the db.php file on the server but when I include this file in the register.php file which is in the root I get the error "Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '../vendor/autoload.php' (include_path='C:\xampp\php\PEAR')".

However when I change the directory of the autoload.php to match the path I then get this error: "Uncaught Dotenv\Exception\InvalidPathException: Unable to read any of the environment file(s) at [../.env]."

Can someone please help me out here? Thank you.


  • It looks like you're using a relative path, but expecting it to function like an absolute path.

    the ../ notation meant the parent directory, so if you move the file the parent directory changes also.

    Instead of working relatively, I prefer to set a base and work upwards.

    Use $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], which is the file path to the root of your application.

    require($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/vendor/autoload.php');

    Then use the same notation in you createImmutable static call. I don't know where you're supposed to be pointing that to. If it's the root, use...
