
How can I add Telosys repos as Maven dependencies?

Im trying to add telosys as a maven dependency but Im enable to do it because its not published on Maven Central. I also tried to use jitpack but it doesnt work. Is there any way to do this? Telosys Organization : Telosys repo there I am trying to use:


  • Yes, indeed, for the time being Telosys API is not available on Maven Central as a ".jar" artefact.

    So if you want to use the Telosys API to embed the generator into your own application, you have 2 possibilities :

    1. the classical way :
      Build the fat jar "telosys-tools-all-X.X.X.jar" (Telosys core)
      from the sources using the root project "telosys-tools-parent"

      Maven dependencies (9 git repositories) :

      • telosys-tools-parent (multi-modules project)
        • telosys-tools-all ("all in one" fat jar)
          • telosys-tools-api (Telosys API with 6 dependencies)
            • telosys-tools-commons
            • telosys-tools-database
            • telosys-tools-repository
            • telosys-tools-dsl-parser
            • telosys-tools-generic-model
            • telosys-tools-generator
          • external dependencies (Velocity, etc)
    2. the fastest way :

    Note : Telosys core will be available on Maven Central in future versions