
Terraform, ElasticSearch: This site can’t be reached

I provisioned Elasticsearch. I got URL outputs of "domain_endpoint", "domain_hostname", "kibana_endpoint" and "kibana_hostname". But, I cannot hit any of these URLS. I got, "This site can’t be reached". What do I miss? Below is the code: main.tf:

module "elasticsearch" {
  source                  = "git::https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-elasticsearch.git?ref=tags/0.24.1"
  security_groups                = [data.terraform_remote_state.vpc.outputs.default_security_group_id]
  vpc_id                         = data.terraform_remote_state.vpc.outputs.vpc_id
  zone_awareness_enabled         = var.zone_awareness_enabled
  subnet_ids                     = slice(data.terraform_remote_state.vpc.outputs.private_subnets, 0, 2)
  elasticsearch_version          = var.elasticsearch_version
  instance_type                  = var.instance_type
  instance_count                 = var.instance_count
  encrypt_at_rest_enabled        = var.encrypt_at_rest_enabled
  dedicated_master_enabled       = var.dedicated_master_enabled
  create_iam_service_linked_role = var.create_iam_service_linked_role
  kibana_subdomain_name          = var.kibana_subdomain_name
  ebs_volume_size                = var.ebs_volume_size
  dns_zone_id                    = var.dns_zone_id
  kibana_hostname_enabled        = var.kibana_hostname_enabled
  domain_hostname_enabled        = var.domain_hostname_enabled
  advanced_options = {
    "rest.action.multi.allow_explicit_index" = "true"
  context = module.this.context


enabled = true
region = "us-west-2"
namespace = "dev"
stage = "abcd"
name = "abcd"
instance_type = "m5.xlarge.elasticsearch"
elasticsearch_version = "7.7"
instance_count = 2
zone_awareness_enabled = true
encrypt_at_rest_enabled = false
dedicated_master_enabled = false
elasticsearch_subdomain_name = "abcd"
kibana_subdomain_name = "abcd"
ebs_volume_size = 250
create_iam_service_linked_role = false
dns_zone_id = "Z08006012KJUIEOPDLIUQ"
kibana_hostname_enabled = true
domain_hostname_enabled = true


  • You are placing your ES domain in VPC in private subnets. It does not matter if its public or private subent, public access does not apply here. From the AWS docs:

    To perform even basic GET requests, your computer must be able to connect to the VPC. This connection often takes the form of a VPN, managed network, or proxy server.

    Even if you place it in public subnet, it will not be accessible over internet. A popular solution to this issue is through ssh tunnel which is also described in AWS docs for ES: