
Querying own skill for development purposes on Alexa through API calls

I am interested in querying Amazon Alexa with mp3 files that contain voice commands. I know that Amazon has endpoints (SpeechRecognizer 2.3) that take in MP3 files but I am not sure if this will actually query the Alexa Service -- or more importantly interact with my skill. Any help would be appreciated!


  • I did this like 4+ years ago. I had to create a virtual AVS device and then a bespoke client using the AVS API. It's a lot of work.

    Is there something special about these files that you need to use mp3? You can batch test audio files for speech recognition (is the speech to text what you expect?) with the ASR tool in the developer console.

    With the NLU evaluation tool in the console, you can batch test utterances (formatted in JSON) to see which intents they trigger and what values they return in the slots.

    And if you're working on unit tests for multi-utterance exchanges, you can use the ASK CLI or the ASK SMAPI API for automation.

    The only one of these that uses MP3s is the ASR tool. The rest work with text.