I have a api for kubernetes to call and detect service is available or not.In the api,first call a interface to get host of other service,the interface return a Flux,if the result is empty api return SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE other return ok.My current code as below:
@GetMapping(value = "/gateway/readiness")
public Mono<Long> readiness(ServerHttpResponse response) {
Flux<Map<String, List<String>>> hosts = hostProvider.getHosts();
List<String> hostProviders = new ArrayList<>();
// the below code has a warning: Calling subscribe in a non-blocking scope
hosts.subscribe(new Consumer<Map<String, List<String>>>() {
public void accept(Map<String, List<String>> stringListMap) {
if (hostProviders.isEmpty()) {
return routeLocator.getRoutes().count();
Has graceful to do this?
Please, try the following:
@GetMapping(value = "/gateway/readiness")
public Mono<ServerResponse> readiness() {
return hostProvider.getHosts()
.flatMap(set -> Flux.fromStream(set.stream()))
.flatMap(hostProviders ->
// response whatever you want to the client
// if no value was propagated from the above then send 503 response code