
SQL Oracle - Multiprocessor Scheduling: Greedy Number Partitioning

Is there an SQL statement to perform greedy number partitioning? (Oracle 19c)

I want to divide jobs among N processors.


Given the following workload data set:


Expected result set (assuming just N=2 where ties go to the processor with the fewest number of jobs assigned to it):

job  processor
---  ---------
100  1
 60  2
 50  2
  6  1
  4  1
  1  2 

The following table may help clarify how those processors were assigned.

job  processor  length  count
---  ---------  ------  -----
100  1          100     1
 60  2           60     1
 50  2          110     2
  6  1          106     2
  4  1          110     3
  1  2          111     3

Some combination of analytic functions and hierarchical queries seems like it could make this happen without having to resort to procedural code. Thanks in advance for your thoughts and assistance.


  • You can use a recursive CTE:

    with tt as (
          select job, row_number() over (order by job desc) as seqnum
          from t
         cte(job, seqnum, processor, proc1, proc2, lev) as (
          select job, seqnum, 1, job as proc1, 0 as proc2, 1
          from tt
          where seqnum = 1
          union all
          select tt.job, tt.seqnum,
                 (case when cte.proc1 > cte.proc2 then 2 else 1 end),
                 (case when cte.proc1 > cte.proc2 then cte.proc1 else cte.proc1 + tt.job end),
                 (case when cte.proc1 > cte.proc2 then cte.proc2 + tt.job else cte.proc2 end),
                 lev + 1
          from cte join
               on tt.seqnum = cte.seqnum + 1
    select *
    from cte
    order by seqnum;

    Here is a db<>fiddle.