I'm processing a Java source file using the java-parser library.
I have this situation in the analyzed source code:
List<Allergen> getList() {
return EnumSet.allOf(Allergen.class).stream()
I need to access the generic class of the List return type ( Allergen in this example)
I'm using an extension of VoidVisitorAdapter class in my analyzer
Here an extract of the code:
public class PlaceholderNormalizer extends VoidVisitorAdapter<String> {
public void visit(MethodDeclaration n, String arg) {
logger.debug("MethodDeclaration: {}", n.getName().asString());
logger.debug(" --- " + n.getTypeAsString()); // prints: List<Allergen>
super.visit(n, arg);
I can obtain a Type object of the node MethodDeclaration using n.getType()
But, I don't understand how to retrieve the Allergen class.
Please I need some help
In case of this method the n.getType
will return instance of ClassOrInterfaceType
. To get to generic parameter you can obtain it as this type and use ClassOrInterfaceType::getTypeArguments
method :
public void visit(MethodDeclaration n, String arg) {
Type type = n.getType();
if(type instanceof ClassOrInterfaceType) {
ClassOrInterfaceType classOrInterfaceType = type.asClassOrInterfaceType();
Optional<NodeList<Type>> typeArguments = classOrInterfaceType.getTypeArguments();
//list of arguments might have different length
typeArguments.ifPresent(types -> System.out.println(types.get(0)));
super.visit(n, arg);
This will print Allergen