I just started to use ag-grid in one of my projects and I'm using "agSelectCellEditor" cell editor for two columns: "function" and "project_role". The select options for the project roles column depends on the function cell value.
This is the grid configuration:
style="height: calc(100% - 100px)"
<ag-grid-column headerName="Resource Description" headerClass="test">
headerName="Project Role"
I followed the documentation to implement "Dynamic Parameters":
projectRoleCellEditorParams(params) {
const selectedFunction = this.functions.find(x => x.name === params.data.function);
const allowedProjectRoles = selectedFunction.projectRoles.map(x => x.name);
return {
values: allowedProjectRoles,
The problem is that "this" is undefined. I know that this is a problem that relates to the javascript scope. Somehow I need to provide "this" to the projectRoleCellEditorParams scope.
But how can I do this?
I found the answer by myself. You can use the context object.
Set something to the context:
onDemandsGridReady(params): void {
this.demandsGridApi = params.api;
this.demandsGridApi.context.functions = this.functions;
Use it in a function:
const selectedFunction = params.api.context.functions.find(
(x) => x.name === params.data.function