
How do I compile and run a Common Lisp program from the directory of the .asd file?

I have the following directory structure:

├── my-project.asd
├── package.lisp  # defpackage.
├── utils.lisp    # Functions used by main.lisp.
└── main.lisp     # Main program.


(defsystem "my-project"
  :components ((:file "package")
               (:file "utils")
               (:file "main")))


(defpackage :com.example
  (:use :cl))


(in-package :com.example)

(defun double (x)
  (* x 2))


(in-package :com.example)

(format t "~a" (double 3))

The problem is: how do I compile and run main.lisp using ASDF?

I was able to compile and run the program by:

$ mv my-project ~/common-lisp/.
$ sbcl
* (require :asdf)
* (asdf:load-system :my-project)

However, this is incredibly silly. I do not want to move my project into ~/common-lisp/ just to run it. I want to compile and run the program right from the project directory itself. The my-project/ directory could be anywhere, and I want it to be possible to be placed anywhere. In other words, I would like to load the system from the current directory.

Think of make, where I can compile files right from the directory of the Makefile itself. How do I similarly compile and run a Common Lisp program from the directory of the *.asd file itself?

(I am using SBCL version 1.4.5 and ASDF version 3.3.1)


  • I found that it is possible to do the following:

    $ sbcl
    * (require "asdf")
    * (asdf:load-asd (merge-pathnames "my-project.asd" (uiop:getcwd)))
    * (asdf:load-system :my-project)
