
breakpoints do not work if in another script file - Google Script

I divided my Google Script into few script files. Now I want to use a breakpoint that is in a script file that is called from another script file that is called from the very first file. Such breakpoint is not ever used. Only the ones on the very first level.

enter image description here

I want to use the breakpoint in in a function that is called from email and it is being called from the very first parse

Is there any way how to debug functions in file?


  • As TheMaster has suggested, I can confirm that this has been fixed in the new editor:

    enter image description here

    If you do not have the new editor rolled out to you, then unfortunately you will have to copy the function into the first level of scripts and insert breakpoints.

    I would normally suggest filing a feature request with Google on their Issue Tracker to suggest implementation, but as this seems to be fixed in the new editor it will likely not be seen to now.
