
IIB: INSERT INTO Oracle Database "¿" (inverted question marks) and chinese characters

I am a greenhorn in Oracle Database and IBM Integration Bus and I'm trying to use the INSERT INTO function of ESQL in the IBM Integration Bus to insert data of a CSV file.

I'm using a DFDL with ISO-8859-1 encoding to read the file. When using the debugger, the message is fine and readable in SQLPLUS and SQL Developer.

I already tried to change the NLS_CHARARCTERSET setting in my Oracle Database although im not really sure which encoding I need. On default it was AL32UTF8 and I tried UTF8, WE8ISO8859P1.

What I also did was changing the encoding of the DFDL and changing the ODBC driver's settings to Use Oracle NLS Settings (Default), Use Microsoft Regional Settings and Use US settings.

If I try to use the INSERT INTO command the Database returns inverted question marks or Chinese characters, which is obviously not what I want.

EDIT: If I hardcode the INSERT INTO values it also returns the question mark. The CSV's encoding doesn't matter. What I also found out is that the CSV file's data is displayed as null. When I hardcode the values in the INSERT INTO I get inverted question marks.


  • Its a simple option in the IIB ODBC Driver for Oracle. Just make sure that "Enable SQL Describe Param" in the advanced tab is checked.

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