Ruby max_by method finds the maximal element form an array. Sometimes the maximal elements are with multipicity, in this case max_by chooses only one of them, seemingly arbitrarily. When I need all of them, I use this approach currently, to find the maximal values in an array of arrays:
sorted=ary.sort_by{|a,b| b}.reverse
t=sorted.take_while{|z| z[1]==max_score}
But how could I monkey-patch the Array class with a "maxes_by" method, which accept a block, similarly to max_by, and returns an array of the maximal values?
Without writing a new, optimized method that returns the expected output, you can combine max_by
and select
maximum = array.max_by { |element| element[1] }
t = { |element| element[1] == maximum[1] }
Another option might be to group all elements by the value in question (with group_by
) and then just pick the list with the max value.
lists = array.group_by { |element| element[1] }