
Use list of dates to timestamp / label mp4 video in python

I have an MP4 video file (Amundsen.mp4) that I created in Google Earth Engine - a timelapse, and a list of dates of each image (dates.txt) - not all consecutive days.

I want to use this list of dates to timestamp each frame in the video in python. Could someone please suggest how, or point me towards a tutorial that does this? I have not found resources on how to work with a video in this way.


  • Thanks to the comments I succeeded. This was my successful code

    from moviepy.editor import *
    clip = VideoFileClip("myvideo.mp4")  
    text_list = list3 # List of dates
    clip_list = []
    for text in text_list:
            txt_clip = TextClip(text, fontsize = 70, color = 'red').set_duration(1)
        except UnicodeEncodeError: #Unsure if this part is necessary, took from elsewhere to address someone else's issue, but doesn't cause a problem
            txt_clip = TextClip("Issue with text", fontsize = 70, color = 'red').set_duration(1) 
    datevideo = concatenate(clip_list, method = "compose")
    video2 = CompositeVideoClip([clip, datevideo])
    #Write video
    video2.write_videofile("videotest.mp4", fps = 1, codec = 'mpeg4')
    # show video here embdeedded
    #video2.ipython_display(width = 280)