
Python + Sheet | May I know the syntax to change BGcolor using BatchUpdate?

The following python code is a BatchUpdate that:

  1. Add a number 'x' to Column H of row
  2. Change the whole row to green

There can be 1 or many rows involved. How do I change the background color? Also, if rowListTH[] only has 1 item, will this code still work?

ssName = ssTH.title + '!'
request_body = {
    "valueInputOption": "RAW",
    "data": [
            'range': ssName + 'H'+rowListTH[-1]+':H'+rowListTH[0],
            'values': [
                    "backgroundColor": {"green": 1}
    spreadsheetId = ssID,
    body = request_body

================================== EDIT ==================================

I have made the changes, but I could not get the update to color the entire row or column, it will always color only a single cell. Please check where do I do wrongly

I want to color rows 5-12 column A to I. For my result, I only get cell A5 colored.

request_body = {
                            "red": 0,
                            "green": 1,
                            "blue": 0,
                            "alpha": 1
                "sheetId": TH_gid,
                "startRowIndex": 4,
                "endRowIndex": 11,
                "startColumnIndex": 0,
                "endColumnIndex": 9
body = {
    "requests": request_body
response = service.spreadsheets().batchUpdate(spreadsheetId=ssID, body=body).execute()



  • Answer:

    To change the background colour of a cell you need to use the spreadsheets.batchUpdate endpoint, not the spreadsheets.values.batchUpdate endpoint.

    Example request:

    request_body = {
                                    "red": 0,
                                    "green": 1,
                                    "blue": 0,
                                    "alpha": 1
                "sheetId": sheet-id,
                "startRowIndex": 0,
                "endRowIndex": 0,
                "startColumnIndex": 0,
                "endColumnIndex": 1
    body = {
        "requests": request_body
    response = service.spreadsheets().batchUpdate(, body=body).execute()

    Things you will need to change:

    "startRowIndex": 0,
    "endRowIndex": 1,
    "startColumnIndex": 0,
    "endColumnIndex": 1

    To colour an entire column, you would first need to find out the number of rows and make the following request (assumiung column A):

    "startRowIndex": 0,
    "endRowIndex": number_of_rows - 1,
    "startColumnIndex": 0,
    "endColumnIndex": 1

    As this is a different endpoing than the one you have used, this will need to be made as a separate HTTP request.
