I'm little stuck in a script that's used to find and delete certain files. I want to give the user the opportunity to iterate through the list and delete each file only after human approval.
However, I find the script to skip the user interaction and don't delete.
cat $fileToBeDeleted | while read in; do
rm -i "$in"
echo "deleted: $in"
Instead of using rm -i
you can use if statement to ask for confirmation before you delete the file. In this example I used a text file (to_delete_list.txt) that contains the list of files that I will be deleting.
read -u 1 answer
will let you ask for user input in the loop.
while IFS= read -r file; do
echo "do you want to delete $file (y/n)?"
read -u 1 answer
if [[ $answer = y ]]
rm $file
echo "deleted: $file"
done < "to_delete_list.txt"