
How to add popper.js in an oracle JET project

I am trying to include bootstrap in my OJET project where I use ojet v6 library. I got an error saying ojmodule failed due to "popper is required".

What I have Tried

  1. I have added the popper.js in lib folder.
  2. I have included the lib in main.js file inside require.js configPath array.
  // Path mappings for the logical module names
    'popper' : 'libs/popper/popper.min' ,
    'bootstrap' : 'libs/bootstrap4/js/bootstrap.min',
    //other libs goes here
  1. Added the "popper" reference in shim object of main.js
    shim: {
    'jquery': {
        exports: ['jQuery', '$']
    'Popper' : {
        exports : ['Popper', 'popper']
  1. added the popper reference in an ojet module. by
define(['ojs/ojcore', 'knockout', 'appController','popper','bootstrap'],
        function (oj, ko, app, popper,bootstrap) {

Still get an error failed to load ojet module "popper is needed by require.js". Please help or suggest any edit.


  • Bootstrap 4 uses popper.js and jquery as its dependency. It should be loaded before bootstrap. As I can see you have added in shim and assuming that the path provided in the require.config is correct It should work;

    If it is not working you can have a workaround like instead of adding the dependency separately to the project add the bootstrap bundle directly.

      // Path mappings for the logical module names
        'jquery': 'libs/jquery/jquery-3.3.1',
        'bootstrap' : 'libs/bootstrap4/js/bootstrap.bundle.min',

    Note the bootstrap.bundle.min.js contains popper but not jquery. So you need to load jquery before bootstrap.