I've searched for a while on how to do this without any special library or anything, and it took a while to find something that's working properly.
It's possible to use
I was wondering, is there a better way to get the battery status using C/C++ in Ubuntu 18.04?
In case this is never answered.. this is my solution:
#define PATH_BATT_CHARGE_NOW "/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/subsystem/BAT0/charge_now"
#define PATH_BATT_CHARGE_FULL "/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/subsystem/BAT0/charge_full"
int getBattState(void)
int chargedPercent = 0;
FILE *battChargeNow;
FILE *battChargeFull;
long unsigned int battMax_mAh = 0;
long unsigned int battRemain_mAh = 0;
if (NULL == (battChargeNow = fopen(PATH_BATT_CHARGE_NOW, "r")))
return -1;
if (NULL == (battChargeFull = fopen(PATH_BATT_CHARGE_FULL, "r")))
return -1;
fscanf((FILE *)battChargeFull, "%lu", &battMax_mAh);
fscanf((FILE *)battChargeNow, "%lu", &battRemain_mAh);
chargedPercent = 100.00 * ((float)battRemain_mAh / (float)battMax_mAh);
return chargedPercent;