I found another similarly titled question here, 42878832, but it didn't answer my question.
I am running Cucumber and would like to customise my TestRunner by specifying CucumberOptions
. I am trying to add values to the plugin
option and am following an example where it's specified a value of progress
as one of the allowed values. When I run my code I don't see it producing the expected output .P-
so am thinking that perhaps the version I am using today doesn't support this feature anymore. I am using Intellij (2020.2), Java (15), cucumber-java (6.8.1).
Does anyone know where the options are documented and more specifically where can I read the list of available options for the plugin
option. I found this page CucumberOptions docs on the Cucumber site but it wasn't very helpful.
My TestRunner class looks like below.
@RunWith(Cucumber.class) @CucumberOptions(
features = {"cucumber/features"},
glue = {"steps"},
plugin = {"progress", "pretty", "html:Report1"},
dryRun = false,
monochrome = true
//tags = {"@P1"}
//name = {"Logo"}
) public class TestRunner { }
You can find the listed options in here
In Javadoc:
look here
If you want to have an idea , how some of them works, have a look here
Here is a question that says about how to use progress