For this Monte-Carlo Tree Search python coding, why do I have RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object
Is this normal for MCTS which needs to keep expanding ? Or did I miss any other bugs which I am still tracing at this moment ?
As for puct_array
, see PUCT formula for explanation
import numpy as np
import random
# Reference :
# PUCT formula :
cfg_puct = np.sqrt(2) # to balance between exploitation and exploration
puct_array = [] # stores puct ratio for every child nodes for argmax()
# determined by PUCT formula
def find_best_path(parent):
if (parent == root) | (len(parent.nodes) == 0):
return parent
for N in parent.nodes:
max_index = np.argmax(puct_array)
# leaf node has 0 child node
is_leaf_node = (len(parent.nodes[max_index].nodes) == 0)
if is_leaf_node:
return parent.nodes[max_index]
return parent.nodes[max_index]
class Mcts:
def __init__(self, parent):
self.parent = parent # this is the parent node
self.nodes = [] # creates an empty list with no child nodes initially = 0 # can be of any value, but just initialized to 0
self.visit = 1 # when a node is first created, it is counted as visited once = 0 # because no play/simulation had been performed yet
self.loss = 0 # because no play/simulation had been performed yet
self.puct = 0 # initialized to 0 because game had not started yet
# this function computes W/N ratio for each node
def compute_total_win_and_visits(self, total_win=0, visits=0):
total_win = total_win + 1
if self.visit:
visits = visits + 1
if self.nodes: # if there is/are child node(s)
for n in self.nodes: # traverse down the entire branch for each child node
n.compute_total_win_and_visits(total_win, visits)
return total_win, visits # same order (W/N) as in
# inside each node
# Selection stage of MCTS
def select(self):
# traverse recursively all the way down from the root node
# to find the path with the highest W/N ratio (this ratio is determined using PUCT formula)
# and then select that leaf node to do the new child nodes insertion
leaf = find_best_path(self) # returns a reference pointer to the desired leaf node
leaf.insert() # this leaf node is selected to insert child nodes under it
# Expansion stage of MCTS
# Insert Child Nodes for a leaf node
def insert(self):
num_of_possible_game_states = 8 # assuming that we are playing tic-tac toe
for S in range(num_of_possible_game_states):
self.nodes.append(Mcts(self)) # inserts child nodes
self.nodes[len(self.nodes) - 1].simulate()
# Simulation stage of MCTS
def simulate(self):
# will replace the simulation stage with a neural network in the future = random.randint(0, 1) # just for testing purpose, so it is either win (1) or lose (0)
self.loss = & random.randint(0, 1) # 'and' with randn() for tie/draw situation
self.backpropagation(, self.loss)
# Backpropagation stage of MCTS
def backpropagation(self, win, loss):
# traverses upwards to the root node
# and updates PUCT ratio for each parent nodes
# computes the PUCT expression Q+U
if self.parent == 0:
num_of_parent_visits = 0
num_of_parent_visits = self.parent.visit
total_win_for_all_child_nodes, num_of_child_visits = self.compute_total_win_and_visits(0, 0)
self.visit = num_of_child_visits
# traverses downwards all branches (only for those branches involved in previous play/simulation)
# and updates PUCT values for all their child nodes
self.puct = (total_win_for_all_child_nodes / num_of_child_visits) + \
cfg_puct * np.sqrt(num_of_parent_visits) / (num_of_child_visits + 1)
if self.parent == root: # already reached root node
self.parent.visit = self.parent.visit + 1
if win:
if self.parent.parent: # grandparent node (same-coloured player) exists = + 1
if (win == 0) & (loss == 0): # tie is between loss (0) and win (1) = + 0.5 # parent node (opponent player)
if self.parent.parent: # grandparent node (same-coloured player) exists = + 0.5
self.parent.backpropagation(win, loss)
# Print the Tree
def print_tree(self, child):
for x in child.nodes:
if x.nodes:
root = Mcts(0) # we use parent=0 because this is the head/root node