
How to access a global environment object in a class?

I have a class that needs to update a global environment object. I can pass that environment object between my structs all day, but how do I allow a class object to access the same variable?

import SwiftUI

class Global: ObservableObject
    @Published var num = 10

class MyClass:ObservableObject
    @Published var mode = 1
    @EnvironmentObject var global: Global

    func updateMode()
        self.mode += 1
        global.num += 1

struct MyApp: App
    let settings = Global()
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {

struct ContentView: View
    @EnvironmentObject var global: Global
    @ObservedObject var myClass = MyClass()
    var body: some View
            Text("Setting \(global.num)")
            Text("Mode \(myClass.mode)")

            Button("Click Me", action: {myClass.updateMode()})

The following code gives an error:

Fatal Error: No ObservableObject of type Global found. A View.environmentObject(_:) for Global maybe missing an ancestor of this view.

I could pass the global object into myClass.updateMode, but then it doesn't seem very global at that point? I would have thought there must be a better way.


  • A possible approach is to make it shared (and don't use @EnvironmentObject anywhere outside SwiftUI view - it is not designed for that):

    class Global: ObservableObject
        static let shared = Global()
        @Published var num = 10
    class MyClass:ObservableObject
        @Published var mode = 1
        let global = Global.shared    // << here !!
    // ...
    struct MyApp: App
        @StateObject var settings = Global.shared  // << same !!
    // ...