I want to use atof to convert my string to a double,the answer is correct ,but not very accurate
ATTENTION: because of some other reasons, fscanf is not permitted
my code is :
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAXCN 50
int main(void)
{ FILE* lstm_txt = NULL;
char lstm_weight[MAXCN] = {0};
int lstm = 0;
int i = 0;
float lstm_val;
if ((lstm_txt = fopen("test1.txt", "r"))== NULL){
fprintf(stderr,"error:file open failed 'test1.txt'.\n");
return 1;
while ((i + 1 < MAXCN) && ((lstm = fgetc(lstm_txt)) != ' ' ) && (lstm != EOF)){
lstm_weight[i++] = lstm;
//lstm_weight[i] = 0;
printf("\n lstm_weight: %s\n\n", lstm_weight);
lstm_val = atof(lstm_weight);
printf("\n convert \"lstm_weight\" to lstm_val is : %f\n\n", lstm_val);
return 0;
my file : lstm_txt is :
4.217959344387054443e-01 -2.566376626491546631e-01 2.173236161470413208e-01 4.217959344387054443e-01
code hasn't bug, and the result is :
lstm_weight: 4.217959344387054443e-01
convert "lstm_weight" to lstm_val is : 0.421796
but I want Istm_val is 0.4217959344387054443 ,how can I do that?
Printing %.17f
you can have a precision up to 0.42179593443870544
printf("\n convert \"lstm_weight\" to lstm_val is : %.17f\n\n", lstm_val);