
How to do define-for-syntax in typed racket?

This works

#lang racket

  (define (foo n)
    (+ n 3)))

So I would also expect this to work

#lang typed/racket

(: foo : Real -> Real)
(define-for-syntax (foo n)
  (+ n 3))

But if fails with

; :: undefined;
;  cannot reference an identifier before its definition

After that I tried each of the following in turn in typed/racket

(define-for-syntax (foo (n : Real)) : Real
  (+ n 3))

  (: foo (-> Real Real))
  (define (foo n)
    (+ n 3)))

  (define (foo (n : Real)) : Real
    (+ n 3)))

Each failed for one reason or another. Could it be that typed/racket can't handle {begin|define}-for-syntax?


  • #lang typed/racket
    (: foo : Real -> Real)
    (define-for-syntax (foo n)
      (+ n 3))

    fails with:

    Type Checker: Declaration for `foo' provided, but `foo' has no definition

    for me, which totally makes sense. foo is defined in phase 1, so the type declaration couldn't find its definition in phase 0.

      (: foo (-> Real Real))
      (define (foo n)
        (+ n 3)))

    is more "correct", but still has a lot of problems. The code is in phase 1, but : is imported by #lang typed/racket in phase 0, so you get an error:

    :: undefined

    However, another major problem is that even if you manage to import : in phase 1, the type checker will still not work correctly.

    To cut it short, here's how you could make it work.

    #lang typed/racket
    (module for-syntax-mod typed/racket
      (provide foo)
      (: foo (-> Real Real))
      (define (foo n)
        (+ n 3)))
    (require (for-syntax 'for-syntax-mod))
    (begin-for-syntax (println (foo 10)))

    This declares foo in a submodule for-syntax-mod of the language typed/racket, so the type checker will now work on this submodule as expected. We then import this submodule at phase 1, so now foo is available inside begin-for-syntax. Note that code in begin-for-syntax is still not type checked statically.