
Highlight text on Lyx documents

I am using Lyx for my homework (text+math) for a while now, but there are a few features I couldn't find and it is hard for me to believe they don't exist (even with some workaround).

Is there an option to highlight text on LYX?

example for how I'd like it to appear on my PDF product:
an example for PDF with highlighted text

I couldn't find it on the interface or settings. I googled it, asked my T.As, posted a question on several Lyx related facebook communities - but couldn't find any solution. On the other hand, no one told me "I have checked it and it's not possible" - so I keep looking.🤷‍♂️

Some add-on? Packages?


  • You can do this with "Soul" module. Here are the steps:

    1. Download the module.
    2. Put the module in the "layouts" directory inside your user directory. You can find your user directory by going to Help > About.
    3. In LyX, do Tools > Reconfigure.
    4. Restart LyX.
    5. Open a document in LyX and go to Document Settings > Modules. After steps (3) and (4) you should now see "Soul Text Markup" as a module. Click "Add" and then "OK". Here is a screenshot (before clicking "Add"):

    enter image description here

    1. After (5), you can now select text in your document and go to Edit > Text Style > highlight.

    More information is on the module wiki page. I have never heard of Facebook LyX communites. I suggest instead to join our lyx-users mailing list. There are a lot of knowledgeable and friendly LyX users helping each other out.