I want to know if it's possible to use (Typescript) generics in a Angular Route, in any way possible.
Best way would be if I could use generics with the component itself:
// the route:
path: 'user-a',
component: UserComponent<UserA> // other routes will use UserB and UserC
// the component:
export class UserComponent<T> { ... }
This obviously gives an error, but it gives a good idea of what I want to accomplish.
Another method would be to use generics with the Resolver:
// the route:
path: '/user-b',
component: UserComponent,
resolve: { user: UserResolver<UserB> }
// the resolver:
export class UserResolver<T> implements Resolve<boolean> {}
This answer used this method, but for me it gives an error at UserResolver<UserB>
: "Value of type 'typeof UserResolver' is not callable. Did you mean to include 'new'?"
Not sure how I could of missed this, but the value of a data property on a angular Route can be of any
type. Which means you can do this:
// the route in app-routing.module.ts
path: 'user-a',
component: UserComponent,
data: {
componentType: UserA
// UserComponent:
export class UserComponent implements OnInit {
constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute) {}
ngOnInit(): void {
const componentType: any = this.route.snapshot.data['componentType'];
Somehow I always assumed the value of a data property could only be a string, but the docs clear state any