I am working on Salesforce UI Automation using Nightwatch.js
I am having an issue getting the text from an alert. I am able to trigger the alert and accept it, but not grab the text from it.
Scenario : 1- User clicks on get transactions 2- After some seconds, user gets message "Bank Account Transaction Details pulled successfully."
Alert example :
According to official documentation, should be able to use getAlertText() Get Alert
In the code, doing browser.acceptAlert() works without a problem, but if before accepting I do something like this:
let alertText = browser.getAlertText()
And then log that text, I get this :
NightwatchAPI {
capabilities: {
acceptInsecureCerts: false,
acceptSslCerts: false,
applicationCacheEnabled: false,
browserConnectionEnabled: false,
browserName: 'chrome',
chrome: {
chromedriverVersion: '83.0.4103.39 (ccbf011cb2d2b19b506d844400483861342c20cd-refs/branch-heads/4103@{#416})',
userDataDir: '/var/folders/nd/79rp8mmj1pv6h6k51wtym__w0000gn/T/.com.google.Chrome.kCHhRk'
cssSelectorsEnabled: true,
databaseEnabled: false,
'goog:chromeOptions': { debuggerAddress: 'localhost:57780' },
handlesAlerts: true,
hasTouchScreen: false,
javascriptEnabled: true,
locationContextEnabled: true,
mobileEmulationEnabled: false,
nativeEvents: true,
networkConnectionEnabled: false,
pageLoadStrategy: 'normal',
platform: 'Mac OS X',
proxy: {},
rotatable: false,
setWindowRect: true,
strictFileInteractability: false .....
It goes on, but was too long to share it all. I receive that instead of the text "Bank Account Transaction Details pulled successfully." This process is pretty straightforward in vanilla Selenium so i am not sure I am missing something else here.
I did try to switch to the alert before getting the text, but got the following error:
I used this : browser.switchTo().alert()
TypeError: browser.switchTo is not a function
- writing an ES6 async test case? - keep in mind that commands return a Promise;
- writing unit tests? - make sure to specify "unit_tests_mode=true" in your config.
Finally, If I remove the accept alert, then the test would give the following error since it is attempting to take a screenshot when it ends but gets blocked by the alert I am trying to validate. This gives me the idea that it is able to see the text somehow :
Error while running .getScreenshot() protocol action: unexpected alert open: {Alert text : Bank Account Transaction Details pulled successfully.}
Error: unexpected alert open: {Alert text : Bank Account Transaction Details pulled successfully.}
Code in question : (notice there are commented out parts due to testing, accepting the alert in beginning works, hence commented out)
I have added some commentary for reference in the code.
//browser.acceptAlert() >> works
let transactionsText= browser.switchTo().alert().getText(); >> gives us switchto not function error
//browser.getAlertText() >> supposed to work but the console.log below does not print the required text
if (transactionsText === "Bank Account Transaction Details pulled successfully.")
console.log('checking if the alert is accepted')
Thanks in advance for your help.
Hope you found the solution, just wanted to post what I found here. I was looking for the same answer and, while I don't understand why this happens (if anyone could explain that would be great), I found how to get the text and store it in a variable.
I found how to do it here
And my code was
browser.getAlertText((results) => {
var alertText = results.value
console.log(alertText)//just a quick test to see what it grabbed