I am working on a prank Program that randomly reboots your pc while also doing other stuff.
Anyways, I am currently working on the reboot part and I came up with this command:
shutdown -g -t 30 -d p:2:18 -c "Dieser Computer wurde von einer externen Quelle übernommen und wird momentan infiziert mit dem WannaCry Virus. Um nicht-autorisierten Zugriff auf anderen Computern in diesem Netzwerk zu vermeiden starten wir nun Ihr Gerät neu." -f
My Problem is that the text is being cut off because of no particular reason. This is what the pop-up looks like:
I did some research on why this could happen, but I see no reason.
/c "comment": This command option allows you to leave a comment describing the reason for the shutdown or restart. You must include quotes around the comment. The maximum length of the comment is 512 characters.
Source: https://www.lifewire.com/shutdown-command-2618100
Does anyone know why this could happen?
Thanks in advance
Interesting, I can reproduce using an even shorter message like "nicht-auto" or "n-a". Perhaps it interprets "-a" like a new parameter, despite being quoted. If you remove the dash "-", it works. Looks like a bug to me.
A workaround is to replace the dash by an alternative Unicode character:
shutdown -g -t 30 -d p:2:18 -c "nicht$([char]0x2010)autorisierten" -f