
Why is the message of the shutdown pop-up cut off?

I am working on a prank Program that randomly reboots your pc while also doing other stuff.
Anyways, I am currently working on the reboot part and I came up with this command:

shutdown -g -t 30 -d p:2:18 -c "Dieser Computer wurde von einer externen Quelle übernommen und wird momentan infiziert mit dem WannaCry Virus. Um nicht-autorisierten Zugriff auf anderen Computern in diesem Netzwerk zu vermeiden starten wir nun Ihr Gerät neu." -f

My Problem is that the text is being cut off because of no particular reason. This is what the pop-up looks like:

The Pop-Up

I did some research on why this could happen, but I see no reason.
/c "comment": This command option allows you to leave a comment describing the reason for the shutdown or restart. You must include quotes around the comment. The maximum length of the comment is 512 characters.


Does anyone know why this could happen?

Thanks in advance



  • Interesting, I can reproduce using an even shorter message like "nicht-auto" or "n-a". Perhaps it interprets "-a" like a new parameter, despite being quoted. If you remove the dash "-", it works. Looks like a bug to me.

    A workaround is to replace the dash by an alternative Unicode character:

    shutdown -g -t 30 -d p:2:18 -c "nicht$([char]0x2010)autorisierten" -f