
Error running rake task from IDE

I am having a problem running the 'test' Rake task from IntelliJ Idea in Ruby On Rails application:

Error running test: File 'test/unit/autorunner.rb' wasnt found in $LOAD_PATH of Ruby SDK with interpreter: '{1}'

But the file is located at %RUBY_HOME%/lib/ruby/1.8/test/unit and I have no problems when running other rake tasks.

Running MS Windows XP

Please advice.


  • sorry for the answer I just noticed it's a 2 year old question ...

    i hit a similar issue with the test runner in TeamCity - I'm really not sure as I do not use RubyMine but it might be the same issue (considering they use the same code base for their products) ...

    it helper when I updated the test-unit gem from the built in 1.x version to an explicit 2.x :

    group :test do
      gem 'test-unit', '2.1.2'

    then bundle update as usual, hope it helps