I am trying to get bind/unbind methods called on a DS component. I've reduced it to the simplest example that doesn't work.
If I remove the @Reference on the bind method then the test is successful. Obviously the log statements don't get called. Otherwise it fails on the AssertNotNull.
Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong? What is the right way to add bind/unbind methods to a component?
Updated code to show correct approach.
public interface Foo {
public abstract String bar();
@Component(immediate = true, enabled = true, service = Foo.class, scope = ServiceScope.SINGLETON)
public class FooImpl implements Foo {
private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FooImpl.class);
public String bar() {
return "bar";
public synchronized void bind() {
logger.debug(String.format("bind called for %s", this.getClass().getName()));
public synchronized void unbind(Foo service) {
logger.debug(String.format("unbind called for %s", this.getClass().getName()));
Generated component definition
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<scr:component xmlns:scr="http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/scr/v1.3.0" activate="bindFoo" deactivate="unbindFoo" enabled="true" immediate="true" name="com.vogelware.experiment.FooImpl">
<service scope="singleton">
<provide interface="com.vogelware.experiment.Foo"/>
<implementation class="com.vogelware.experiment.FooImpl"/>
Test class
class FooTest {
void test() throws InterruptedException {
ServiceTracker<Foo, Foo> testTracker = new ServiceTracker<Foo, Foo>(Activator.getContext(), Foo.class, null);
Foo user = testTracker.getService();
assertNotNull(user); <= fails here
The answer to my question is that in the 1.3 spec, use @Activate and @Deactivate. I've modified the original question to show the solution in code.
Check out http://blog.vogella.com/2016/06/21/getting-started-with-osgi-declarative-services/ for more details.