
Create a temporary table dynamically from calling an stored procedure

I want to create a temporary table from calling a stored procedure as something like below

Select * 
into #temp1 
    exec sp1;


select * 
into #temp1 
from sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set_for_object(object_id('dbo.sp1'), 1) 

to get 2nd result set

I know later option is used to get first resultset only. But I want to get nth result set and create a temp table from it directly without defining temporary table.

My ultimate goal is to compare columns data type of a 2nd resultset from an SP with my expected table schema using tSQLt test case. So defining both actual table and expected table has no meaning. It will pass every time.


  • My ultimate goal is to compare columns data type of a 2nd resultset from an SP with my expected table schema using tSQLt test case.

    Refactoring the code returning a second resultset into its own proc would make this more easy to test but it is do-able.

    Supposing your procedure under test looks like

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.ProcedureUnderTest
    SELECT 1 AS ResultSet1Col1
    SELECT 2 AS ResultSet2Col1, 'Foo' AS ResultSet2Col2

    You can achieve your desired goal of validating the format of the second result set by nesting a call to tSQLt.ResultSetFilter inside an execution of tSQLt.AssertResultSetsHaveSameMetaData

    CREATE TABLE #expected
       ResultSet2Col1 INT NULL,
       ResultSet2Col2 VARCHAR(3) NULL
    EXEC tSQLt.AssertResultSetsHaveSameMetaData
      @expectedCommand = 'SELECT * FROM #expected',
      @actualCommand = 'EXEC tSQLt.ResultSetFilter 2, ''EXEC dbo.ProcedureUnderTest'';'