By co-recursion I mean unfolding a tree, such as with ana
morphism from Ed Kmett's recursion-schemes
By re-combining trees I mean graphs that share structure. For example, a binomial option pricing tree, or Pascal's triangle. Both of these have some symmetry, so for efficiency, we would like to avoid re-calculating part of the tree, instead re-using the already-calculated branches.
n.b. this question is not about some clever way to calculate the values in aforementioned examples; it's a general question about recursion.
For example, for options pricing, the tree can be generated like so:
data Tree x = Leaf x | Branch x (Tree x) (Tree x)
ana \(x, depth) ->
if depth == maxDepth
then LeafF x
else BranchF x (p * x, depth + 1) ( (1.0 - p) * x, depth + 1) -- p < 1.0
So the value in an 'up' branch is p * x
and the value in a 'down' branch is (1-p) * x
. Because of this symmetry, an 'up' followed by a 'down' node will have the same value as a 'down' followed by an 'up' branch. As will it's entire sub-tree.
I think it may be possible to do this passing along State
that contains a hashmap of already calculated nodes somehow.
Or if I could somehow access the already-calculated subtree, I could pass it in as a Left
in an apo
Is there some existing morphism that allows this? Or can I code my own?
defines a recursive function x -> Tree a
(given a coalgebra alg :: x -> TreeF a x
). You can define a memoized version of ana
by using a specialized fixpoint operator (whereas the usual definition is more or less equivalent to using fix
), for example, as found in the MemoTrie library.
memoFix :: (...) => ((a -> b) -> (a -> b)) -> (a -> b)
-- for some constraints "(...)" depending on the implementation.
-- ana': Memoized version of ana
type Memo a b = ((a -> b) -> (a -> b)) -> a -> b
memoAna :: Memo x (Tree a) -> (x -> TreeF a x) -> x -> Tree a
memoAna memo alg = memo $ \ana_ x ->
case alg x of
LeafF a -> Leaf a
BranchF a x1 x2 -> Branch a (ana_ x1) (ana_ x2)
ana' :: HasTrie x => (x -> TreeF a x) -> x -> Tree a
ana' = memoAna memoFix
This ensures all trees generated from the same seed x
will in fact be the same tree.
You also have to be a little careful with the type of seed. In your example, with (Double, Int)
, the imprecision of Double
operations makes memoization unreliable. So you also need to modify the algebra. For example, since the price is always of the form p^i (1-p)^(depth-i)
, you could remember the index i
optionsAlg' :: Num a => a -> (Int, Int) -> TreeF a (Int, Int)
optionsAlg' p (ups, depth) =
if depth >= maxDepth then
LeafF price
BranchF price (ups+1, depth+1) (ups, depth+1)
price = p ^ ups * (1 - p) ^ (depth - ups)
Implementations of memoization have various trade offs. Depending on your particular use case, further optimizations and more adaptation may be necessary.