I am writing a book for which the publisher (Springer) has sent me a .cls file (svmono.cls). I am using LyX on Windows 10, and have just installed texlive (complete 6 Gb default installation), as it is LyX's preferred TeX distribution. Unfortunately, I can't determine where to store svmono.cls, and how to make LyX and Texlive pick it up.
The relevant paths are as follows:
Texlive Installation folder: c:\texlive
This folder, in turn, has two subfolders: c:\texlive\2020
and c:\texlive\texmf-local
I assumed that I would have to put my cls files in texmf-local
, in particular under c:\texlive\texmf_local\tex\latex\local\
, and so copied svmono.cls to this directory, but when I open my document in LyX, I get a warning message (LyX Document class is not available .... document cannot be compiled until the following prerequisites are installed..... svmono.cls).
I have tried looking into the LyX manual, which refers me to the Customization guide, which I can't print, so I'm really at a loss here, and would greatly appreciate guidance with two issues:
folder under some parent folder to hold the Springer cls file)Sincerely and with many thanks in advance
Thomas Philips
The comment by scottkosky + comparisons to a working Miktex installation pointed me in the right direction. Here are the things I needed to do to make Lyx 2.3.6 work with Tex Live 2020.
(NOT c:\texlive\texmf_local\tex\latex\local\
) and from Tex Live's menu bar, select Actions > Regenerate Filenames DatabaseC:\texlive\2020\bin\win32;$LyXDir\bin;$LyXDir\Python;$LyXDir\Python\Lib;$LyXDir\Perl\bin;$LyXDir\imagemagick;$LyXDir\ghostscript\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat Reader DC\Reader;C:\Program Files\R\R-4.0.3\bin
. Keep in mind that your paths may be different.It works perfectly now.
Thomas Philips