I would like to search for keywords on the Outlook Search bar. The ideal process is that I can use search Tool hotkey to add the attributes (e.g. Sent To, Receiver, cc, etc.).
I intuitively think the attributes or keywords will exist on a specific mail item. It works when I search for Sent To, Receiver, and cc, but it has some problems when I would like to search a specific category by "Category". It will not show the complete Category List. There is a relevant comment here.
There is an illustrated picture for reference for the practical operation.
Since I have lots of categories to manage my emails, I wish to choose a Category by Complete Category Dialog, and input it to Outlook Search Bar. Then I can more quickly and precisely find the mails I want.
There is my preliminary thinking for the VBA code. (Credit to MarcinSzaleniec):
Sub SearchByInputFromCategoryDialog
'Open Category Dialog and choose one category
StringOfCategory = Choosing Text
txtSearch = "category:="category:(StringOfCategory )"
myOlApp.ActiveExplorer.Search txtSearch, olSearchScopeAllFolders
end Sub
Then the category text would show onto Search Bar so that I can further keystroke the "enter" and start the searching process.
An issue might exist for Category Dialog, since I can't find if there exists the VBA approach to get the text of category by the category dialog.
The most information I found on the Internet mainly focus on an item or selected item on explorer to add the category by the category dialog, however the approach I would like to use is get category text by category dialog.
You can return the category from an object that supports categories.
Option Explicit ' Consider this mandatory
' Tools | Options | Editor tab
' Require Variable Declaration
' If desperate declare as Variant
Sub SearchByInputFromCategoryDialog()
Dim StringOfCategory As String
Dim txtSearch As String
Dim obj As Object
'Open Category Dialog and choose one category
Set obj = CreateItem(olMailItem)
StringOfCategory = obj.categories
Debug.Print StringOfCategory
'txtSearch = "category:=""Red category"""
'Debug.Print txtSearch
txtSearch = "category:=""" & StringOfCategory & """"
Debug.Print txtSearch
ActiveExplorer.Search txtSearch, olSearchScopeAllFolders
End Sub