sorry for my English, I speak Spanish.
I have a test suite for Oracle, and now I need to maintain the same suite but for SQLServer as well.
Queries are the same, but have slight differences (date functions, etc).
What is the best way to manage a suite that needs to be multi-dbms?
I don't have any experiences using DbFit, so my answer is generic. Hopefully you can use it as a basis for your exact problem.
To me managing slightly different test suites brings to mind one of the approaches below:
I believe your usage of DbFit excludes options 2 and 3, so option 1 seems the one to go for. Specifically I believe that will mean defining symbols (e.g. !define QUERY_1 {...}
) for the query-parts) and connection strings that need to vary per DBMS. In the test cases you do not hard-code these, but include references to the symbols (e.g. ${QUERY_1}
) instead. (See also my answer to Can FitNesse page tags be used in page?)
But of course all this depends on what your testing needs are exactly. I tend to use FitNesse to do acceptance testing on applications. So I would tests application end-user or service/API functionality and not database queries. In such a case I will not run all tests against all DBMSs to be tested (I would expect the database layer component tests to test all queries against all databases). I would run the majority of the acceptance suite against one DBMS and a very limited set against the others.