
Using Handlebars with Deno v1.6.x

I'm struggling to get the Handlebars templating working with Deno v1.6.x, any thoughts?

$ deno --version
deno 1.6.2 (release, x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)
typescript 4.1.3

$ tree
├── template.js
└── views
    ├── layouts
    │   └── main.hbs
    └── partials
/* template.js */

import { Application, Router, Status } from ''
import { Handlebars } from ''

const port = 8080

const app = new Application()
const router = new Router()
const handle = new Handlebars()

// error handler
app.use(async (context, next) => {
  try {
    await next()
  } catch (err) {

// the routes defined here
router.get('/', async context => {
    const data = {
    title: 'Fools Day',
    date: '01/04/20'
    context.response.body = await handle.renderView('main', data)


// static content
app.use(async (context, next) => {
    const root = `${Deno.cwd()}/static`
    try {
        await context.send({ root })
    } catch {

// page not found
app.use( async context => {
    context.response.status = Status.NotFound
  context.response.body = `"${context.request.url}" not found`

app.addEventListener("listen", ({ port }) => console.log(`listening on port: ${port}`) )

await app.listen({ port })

I get the following error when I try to view the page:

$ deno run --allow-net --unstable template.js
Check file:///home/xxx/template.js
listening on port: 8080
NotFound: No such file or directory (os error 2)
    at processResponse (deno:core/core.js:223:11)
    at Object.jsonOpAsync (deno:core/core.js:240:12)
    at async open (deno:runtime/js/30_files.js:44:17)
    at async readFile (deno:runtime/js/40_read_file.js:15:18)
    at async Handlebars.render (mod.ts:98:53)
    at async Handlebars.renderView (mod.ts:76:26)
    at async file:///home/xxx/template.js:28:26
    at async dispatch (middleware.ts:41:7)
    at async dispatch (middleware.ts:41:7)
    at async dispatch (middleware.ts:41:7)

I've looked at the documentation at and think I have used all the default settings but the error message doesn't tell me what file is not found.

Has anyone had experience using Handlebars with Deno?



  • EDIT: Make sure you have a layout file according to your default layout!!

    If you do not want a default layout file then you can do this:

    const handle = new Handlebars({defaultLayout:''});

    Here's the code for renderView

      public async renderView(
        view: string,
        context?: Record<string, unknown>,
        layout?: string,
      ): Promise<string> {
        if (!view) {
          console.warn("View is null");
          return "";
        const config: HandlebarsConfig = this.config as HandlebarsConfig;
        const partialsPathes = await this.getTemplatesPath(
          join(config.baseDir, config.partialsDir),
        partialsPathes && (await this.registerPartials(partialsPathes));
        const path = join(config.baseDir, view + config.extname);
        const body: string = await this.render(path, context);
        layout = (layout as string) || config.defaultLayout;
        if (layout) {
          const layoutPath: string = join(
            layout + config.extname,
          return this.render(layoutPath, { ...context, body });
        return body;

    The first parameter, in your case main tells the code to look for a file called main.hbs in your views directory (provided you are using the default config).

    You can additionally pass a layout parameter to render it within a layout file that is housed in your layouts directory.