
Column alias is not recognized

This minimal example is supposed to extract year from time stamps, then count something in a given year.

SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM rental_ts) as year,
       COUNT(DISTINCT rental_id)
FROM rental
HAVING year=2020

Running it, I get an error column "year" does not exist. What is the reason for this?


  • Alas, that is true. Column aliases are not allowed. One solution is to repeat the expression:

    SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM rental_ts) as year,
           COUNT(DISTINCT rental_id)
    FROM rental
    GROUP BY year
    HAVING EXTRACT(YEAR FROM rental_ts) = 2020;

    A better solution is to filter before aggregating:

    SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM rental_ts) as year,
           COUNT(DISTINCT rental_id)
    FROM rental
    WHERE rental_ts >= '2020-01-01' AND rental_ts < '2021-01-01'
    GROUP BY year;

    This is better for two reasons. First, it is index (and partition) compatible. Second, it reduces the amount of data needed for the aggregation.