
Adjusting shell mode color schemes

The color schemes in emacs shell mode appear as primary colors (high saturation) and look primitive, and some colors, for example, purple, do not appear:

enter image description here

I want to adjust the colors so that they use more intermediate colors and look more soft as in gnome-terminal:

enter image description here

How can I change the color schemes in shell mode? I couldn't find shell-mode related font assignments in emacs, and that is probably because the color is given by the shell and is different from other font assignmets in emacs.


  • When a program run inside shell-mode issues ANSI escape characters to set the display color to, say, magenta, Emacs intercepts those escape characters and creates a colored overlay using that exact foreground color "magenta". So there's no color theme interaction going on here, and no shell-specific customizations to look for.

    The interception is made by the functions in ansi-color.el, though, and it looks like you could customize ansi-color-names-vector, so to use "PaleBlue" for "blue", either M-x customize RET ansi-color-names-vector, or try putting something like the following in your emacs config:

    (setq ansi-color-names-vector
      ["black" "red" "green" "yellow" "PaleBlue" "magenta" "cyan" "white"])

    To see available color names, use M-x list-colors-display, or enter hex colors instead, e.g. "#ccccff".