
Flutter on IOS: fatal error: module 'cloud_firestore' not found

After searching long hours on github and stack for similar errors, none of the proposed solutions helped me to resolve this error.

I tried quite a few things (a bit out of order):

Here is the error:

    ** BUILD FAILED **

Xcode's output:
    /Users/flo/Mobile/we_ll_see/ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m:10:9: fatal error: module
    'cloud_firestore' not found
    @import cloud_firestore;
    1 error generated.
    note: Using new build system
    note: Building targets in parallel
    note: Planning build
    note: Constructing build description

Need some help guys


  • If you are using Android Studio the error might occur if you are creating the Podfile manually. Flutter runs using just the pubspec.yaml file. You don't have to set up the Podfile by yourself. If you follow the installation guideline on the firestore homepage just skip everything after adding GoogleService-Info.plist file using Xcode.