
Custom page margins using print.js

I am attempting to print payment receipt using thermal POS printer using Print.js library. I can successfully print the page using the printjs. But the print comes with extra margins as per A4 page.
Is there any way to print it to fit to 58mm with to page margins?
Also it would be very helpful if any alternatives to print using JavaScript are given. Following is my work.


<button id="print-receipt">print to pos</button>
<div id="invoice-print-div" class="hidden">
    <div class="text-center" style="width:58mm;background-color:red;">
        <table border="0">
$("#print-receipt").on("click", function() {
    printJS("invoice-print-div", "html");


  • 1- Instead of using printJS() with the default two arguments, you can pass an object as argument so:

    printJS('invoice-print-div', 'html'); should be replaced with:

    printJS({printable: 'invoice-print-div', type: 'html',style: ['@page { size: A4; margin: 0mm;} body {margin: 0;} h4 {margin:0}'], targetStyles: ['*']});

    Please note that when it comes to actual printing, the property style in the argument object is where you can pass your custom style that should be applied to the html being printed.

    I have made a demo in stackblitz Please do check it out.

    For more information you can check PrintJS configuration options

    2- As you ask for some alternatives of PrintJS, You can checkout jsPDF Library and here some explanations about it.