I have a bootstrap slider (through the library: React-Bootstrap) and would like to find a way to detect the current slide in display (through classes code and not hooks). Here is the Slider component:
//import image1, image2, image3
class HeroSlider extends Component {
console.log('this sets the slide, but I just want to know the index of current slide')
return (
<Carousel indicators={false} controls={false} pause={false} onSelect={this.handleSelect()}>
<img className="d-block w-100" src={image1} alt="First slide" />
<img className="d-block w-100" src={image2} alt="Third slide" />
<img className="d-block w-100" src={image3} alt="Third slide" />
export default HeroSlider
How could I go about this? Thank you.
Okay, here is how I solved it:
The functions/properties provided with react-bootstrap carousel won't help in detecting a change in slide index, they will just allow you to set it.
I wanted to have an image background slider that infinitely rotates while stopping at each image for 3 seconds. So I ended up just setting the state to update the index every 3 seconds using an interval function. Here is the code:
class HeroSlider extends Component {
constructor(props, context) {
super(props, context);
this.state = {
index: 0,
componentDidMount() {
this.interval = setInterval(
() => this.setState({ index: (this.state.index + 1) % 7 }),
componentWillUnmount() {
return (
<Carousel indicators={false} controls={false} pause={false} onSelect={this.handleSelect()}>
<img className="d-block w-100" src={image1} alt="First slide" />
<img className="d-block w-100" src={image2} alt="Third slide" />
<img className="d-block w-100" src={image3} alt="Third slide" />
export default HeroSlider
Now if I want to detect current slider index I simply acces this.state.index.