
How to generate apple authorization token/client secret?

How can I generate an authorization code/client secret in python for apple sign in and device check?


    1. First of all we need to generate a app specific p8 file (pem formatted private key) do the following for this:
    1. in python install pyjwt and do the following:
    data = {
        "iss": "team_id", # team id of your developer account this can be found in your apple developer portal => identifier of your app => "App ID prefix"
        "iat": timestamp_now, # creation timestamp in seconds
        "exp": timestamp_exp, # expiration timestamp in seconds (max 20 mins) see 
        "aud": "",
        "sub": client_id # your bundle
    with open("filename.p8", "r") as f:
        private_key =
    token = jwt.encode(payload=data, key=private_key, algorithm="ES256", headers={
        "kid":key_id # the key id is the id u saved in step 1

    the complete code will look like this

    import jwt
    def generate_token():
            with open("filename.p8", "r") as f:
                private_key =
            team_id = "teamid"
            client_id = ""
            key_id = "keyid"
            validity_minutes = 20
            timestamp_now = int(utils.time_stamp_seconds())
            timestamp_exp = timestamp_now + (60 * validity_minutes)
            cls.last_token_expiration = timestamp_exp
            data = {
                    "iss": team_id,
                    "iat": timestamp_now,
                    "exp": timestamp_exp,
                    "aud": "",
                    "sub": client_id
            token = jwt.encode(payload=data, key=private_key, algorithm="ES256", headers={"kid": key_id}).decode()