I don't understand how to use the 'bindings' field of extendedChoice parameter, I checked the source code of the plugin and see that it adds variables in a context in the groovyShell, but I don't understand how to access this context.
I try to set Binding like this:
def bindings = new Binding()
bindings.setProperty("foo", "foo value")
return extendedChoice(
name: 'jsonParameters',
bindings: bindings.getVariables().toString(),
type: 'PT_JSON',
javascript: jsScript,
groovyScript: groovyScript)
Then inside the "groovyScript", I expect to be able to access my "foo" variable...
UPDATE: I created a simple test, the 'binding' is global and I have access to it ! Why not in my groovyscript with the plugin ?
def bindings = new Binding()
bindings.setVariable("foo", "bar")
GroovyShell groovyShell = new GroovyShell();
Script compiledScript = groovyShell.parse("""
println "foo: " + binding.variables.get("foo")
// print "foo: bar"
Plugin version: 0.78
Bindings field format is not as Map.toString()
format but 'key=value' where entries are separated by '\n':
return extendedChoice(
name: 'jsonParameters',
bindings: "key1=value2\nkey2=value2",
type: 'PT_JSON',
javascript: jsScript,
groovyScript: groovyScript)
Then, in order to use those variables, just call getProperty
in the groovyScript: