
How to insert array<map<string,int>> into hive table?

I have a hive table as follows:

0: jdbc:hive2://Desktop:10000> desc tb_test2;
|  col_name   |        data_type        | comment  |
| name        | string                  |          |
| score_list  | array<map<string,int>>  |          |

I want to insert data like this:

A   [{"math":100,"english":90,"history":85}]  
B   [{"math":95,"english":80,"history":100}]  
C   [{"math":80,"english":90,"histroy":100}]  

I have tried like this:

0: jdbc:hive2://Desktop:10000> insert into tb_test2 values("A",Map("math":100,"english":90,"history":85));

but got the error:

Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: ParseException line 1:42 cannot recognize input near '"math"' ':' '100' in constant (state=42000,code=40000)


  • I think comma should be used, and you need to specify array too.

    insert into tb_test2 select "A", array(map("math",100,"english",90,"history",85)) from (select 1) x;